Caramelised Apple Cake + Home grown strawberries
I finally bought a candy thermometer! With this, i can now make candy, like marshmellows, caramel, toffee, fudge! Many, many yummy cavity inducing sweets =D But I brush my teeth regularly, so it's ok, hehe.
So to make this cake, I basically make the caramel, pour it onto a pie dish, layer apple slices, and top it with cake batter. And when it's baked, I turn it over and tadaa! Warm, sticky caramel dripping down the cake.
And here are my home grown strawberries!
They are Japanese strawberries, which explains the small size, compared to the massive French strawberries. But they were so sweet!
Since it's growing so well, I can plant more and get a much larger harvest.
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