Saturday, December 4, 2010

Success with Pandan chiffon!

Wow! Can't believe its been more than 2 months since I last blogged my last baking escapade. I've been busy with exams, and then after exams, busy with the things I've been restricting myself from. Like my precious animes, mangas, dramas... and baking! I was supposed to post this up a month ago, but I watched 50 episodes of anime first, ahahaha ^^;;

Celebratory baking~!

NO MOAR EXAMS!! No more studying, no more restrictions, oh my gosh *0* And most of all, I can bake/cook whatever I want! So I started, with a successful Pandan Chiffon Cake:

Woooooo, did you see how tall and pretty and how it is NOT sinking? I could finally bake a chiffon cake that doesn't flop! I guess third time really is the charm! It was so exciting, I did a victory dance around the kitchen. How could I get so much joy over baking a cake, I'll never know.

This time, I used fresh Pandan leaves, so no artificial colouring with using essences. Pandan leaves are quite hard to find, and not always supplied in an asian grocery shop. Luckily, I saw it while grocery shopping with my mum. I haven't touched pandan leaves in five years! I remembered my mum used to boil it with barley, or fresh grass jelly. Oh, those days were amazing. She boiled it with barley, fresh grass jelly is pretty much impossible to find find in Australia.... So yummy! ^0^

I used the remaining leaves to blend it up with coconut milk, and used it to bake the chiffon cake. I finally have a proper chiffon cake tin! It was a birthday present from my aunt, and will definately be put to good use.

I also made Tamago Tofu or Chawanmushi: A japanese savoury egg custard. My family always orders this whenever we are in a japanese restuarant: silky, smooth custard embedded with spring onions, a must eat when dining out for japanese food. Little did I know how easy this was to make! And it tastes just like the ones from restuarants. No need to shell out big bucks for this delicious entree anymore. =D

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